DIY decor, crafts, design, and my creative life!

Tag Archives: supply chain

You have cute things. You have hip things. You have cheap things. You have really good clearance racks. You have good branding, marketing, and style. But when you put a “Made in USA” sticker on something that was really made in China, that is not okay.

As discussed in a recent post, I am on a quest to be more informed about where the products I buy are being produced, and I’m making an effort to buy things that are produced ethically, with some assurance that the product wasn’t made in a sweatshop where workers are being exploited.

Let me tell you though, I’m cheap. I’m on a budget, big time. We are a one-income family until my husband finishes grad school and that glorious day arrives when he gets a J-O-B. I realize I have nothing to complain about, and I’m not complaining. Our family’s situation is superb in terms of the majority of earth’s inhabitants. But I still can’t (and I don’t think I would even if I could) shell out $250 for a pair of blue jeans. So my sweatshop-free, ethically/socially responsible product quest may have to lead me on a winding path.

In fact, this quest may lead me full circle to where I started, shopping at thrift stores, on Craigslist and eBay, and at garage sales to buy perfectly good things that are slightly used. They may have been made in a sweatshop initially but at least if I buy them used, I’m putting the money back into a charity organization or my local economy rather than to that retailer who is buying their goods from a sweatshop.

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inconvenient truth

Sometimes the truth is inconvenient.

Like when you pick up one of those decadent looking cakes from the grocery store bakery that’s in the blister packs. They have those pesky nutrition information labels plastered right over the edge of the package so there’s no escaping those numbers as you bust into the crinkly plastic. No one really wants to know how many calories, fat grams, and carbohydrates are in a slice of that stuff, do they? Can’t a girl just enjoy a slice of cake without facing reality?

Well, I’m beginning to feel the same way about most of the products readily available for purchase around me. The problem is, I’ve already read the label, and I know how much junk is in there, and I really don’t want to eat it anymore.

Except, I’m not talking about cake, or food in general. (Although at the rate I’m going, I may be talking about it soon.) I’m talking about other types of goods, like clothing and craft supplies.

I mentioned in my last post that I’ve been thinking lately about the issues of fair trade, fair labor, and the supply chain of goods in our country.  I’m not quite sure how I’ve survived this long without giving it much thought, but I guess we do that, don’t we? At least in our western, developed, pre-packaged, subdivided part of the world. It’s almost too easy to buy things without giving a second thought to where they came from and how they were made. With the internet at most of our fingertips, we don’t even have to leave home to buy goods. Just a few clicks and they arrive at our doorstep a few days later.

So what if we became aware that the latest pair of jeans, cute craft supply, or sunglasses we bought were produced by a 14-year old girl in China that had just worked 30 days straight in terrible working conditions with little to no pay? Would it change how we felt about purchasing that item?

It happened to me.

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